It is CEC’s policy to comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at work Act 1974 and such other health and safety legislation that may occur from time to time be introduced and be relevant. The company recognizes that high standards of health, safety and welfare are an integral element of efficient business management objectives and contribute to the operational efficiency and profitability of the company. For such standards to be achieved, adequate financial and physical resources will be made available thereby ensuring continuing development of the competence of employees and the provision of any necessary expert advice. Health and safety are management responsibility of equal importance to production and quality; thus, managers will be pursuing progressive improvements in health and safety performance by establishing and maintaining control communication the necessary information, encouraging cooperation between individuals and groups thereby ensuring that a positive health and safety culture is promoted and developed. Equally, it is recognized that employees have a duty of care to themselves and others by avoiding hazards, preventing accidents and co-operating with company by complying with all instructions and recommendations on health and safety of the aims and objectives of this policy are to be achieved. The company will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable that Safe and healthy work methods and conditions are provided and adopted. All statutory requirements are observed and are trusted as the minimum standards to be applied to all work activities. Employees are made aware of potential hazards and precautions to be adopted, by providing information, instruction, training & supervision.Steps are taken to identify the immediate and underlying causes of work-related injuries and implement any preventive action necessary. Employees are actively encouraging to participate in health and safety arrangement & submit ideas & suggestions for the improving standards. This policy will be reviewed and developed periodically to ensure it remains effective and any necessary amendments will be communicated to all employees. Employees who will full disregard company health & Safety policies and procedures will be subject to company disciplinary procedures, which can include summary dismissal.
It is the policy of CEC Building Contracting L.L.C to operate its business and carry out its activities in a way that recognizes its responsibilities to and for the environment. The company is committed to pursuing the best environmental practices however and wherever practicable. Each operating business unit is committed to meeting the objectives of this policy. In particular we will: · Include environmental issues as matter of reports. · Ensure the adequate human and financial resources are made available within operating in it’s to implement and maintain the policy. · Include environmental considerations in our business planning and decision-making. · Comply with all applicable regulations and statutory requirements as appropriate where no regulations exist, set our own standards. · Set objectives to promote an effective and developing environmental system in conformance with quality standards. · Train all employees in environmental matters appropriate to their role. · Conserve resources by the efficient consumptions of materials, energy and fuel and by influencing design. · Encourage all suppliers and subcontractors to develops or share environmental policies in line with our company policy. · Implement as waste minimization programme and encourage recycling where possible. · Continuously monitor and improve the company’s environmental performance by the use of management procedures.